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My winter holidays (the only ones I can have actually) have been amazing. I visited so many beautiful countries I had only dreamed of going like in Myanmar and the Philippines. With my friends we had an amazing time exploring incredible places doing unforgettable experiences. Every great trip deserves a proper conclusion and since the beginning I knew that we would have split up and I reached Bali my magic place.

Bali, that's why

It was my third time there and everything was pretty easy thanking also to the suggestions from my Italian friend living there. I had eleven days in Bali and I decided to spend them all in Canggu just to relax and surf, as usual. The entire trip has been  absolutely beautiful but pretty demanding, especially in Myanmar. Bali my magic place was the perfect spot were to end my journey doing exactly what I love more, surfing, sleeping, eating amazing healthy food, talk with smart and interesting people.

As soon as I arrived I slept a lot since I was incredibly tired from the flight Bohol-Manila-Bali. It brought me on the Island of Gods around midnight and the day after has begun an unexpected busy but pleasant holiday! I surfed in the morning and in the afternoon I met my friend Arianna that invited me to a boxe lesson at the Dreamsea Surf Camp where I met other people. Well, in a couple of days I had a lot of amazing friends of different nationalities. I knew them mainly at the Dojo, a beautiful co-working space where sometimes I spent my time too to work on my pictures.

Why I love it

Canggu is the place that I’ll love forever. The place where I’m always sure to go back if one day after #covid I’ll be able to reach Bali again. This is where everyone should go with someone special to share unforgettable emotions and experiences. Well, way better than Paris (my favorite city ever) but with completely different magical vibes. I'm looking forward to be there again in the "special" way..who knows.

I found my peace in Bali my magic place that too many people don’t respect enough. The thing that probably annoyed me more is the fact that among many that are there working hard being grateful every single day to have the chance to be there as digital nomads, there're too many wrong things. After three year I realized that the Island and Canggu in particular are ruined by aggressive tourism and hipsters, influencers or vloggers wannabe. A big bunch of people that have no clue about how lucky they are and that are there just to have the chance to say they have been in Bali. People begging for free stuff in exchange of the ridiculous visibility they can offer on their pathetic social media. I'm sure that Bali would be a way better place without them.

This is an island that can fully heal you through its magic.  I found joy, sadness, a lot of great surf, beautiful people and amazing friends. Too much to talk me out of coming back to live my best life far away from problems and bad thoughts.


Best sunsets ever

I saw sunsets from many different places around the world but Bali always offered me the most powerful ones. I loved sunsets at Pererenan beach, Echo beach, Batu Bolong beach, Seseh beach, Balangan, Uluwatu temple. I saw sunsets in Bali when I was happy, nostalgic, melancholy, sad, relaxed, while surfing (the best moment ever), alone or with friends. Every sunset was amazingly different, magic and emotional. The most important feeling was the sense of belonging to one of the most magical places ever that won’t never leave me.

Bali my magic place-Echo-Beach-embrace

Don't forget to surf in the sunset. The most fulfilling and magical experience you can try if you love the ocean, the Island of Gods and its amazing vibes. So learn how to surf, try at least, it’s difficult, it’s hard but when you catch the first wave it’ll be priceless and unforgettable. Do it because life is fuckin short and it’s not worth to miss any moment especially a memorable one.

In the end...

This year I was more cheerful than the previous after a great trip around south east Asia. I enjoyed a lot hanging around with new friends and being busy. Don't forget to rent a scooter to be completely free to enjoy your stay going everywhere you want.

I was feeling home again, I didn’t want lo leave and when I had to, I was so fuckin sad. Not to mention the fact that as soon as I arrived in Italy I went straight to quarantine and lockdown. I spent the first 10 days home regretting not having stayed in Bali. I could have had the chance to do something good rather than to stay two months inside my apartment. But then the situation changed and my timing was actually perfect. Anyway I haven't given up the idea to meet my friends again all together as soon as possible. They are among my best memories, because knowing new beautiful people is always the best part of a trip.

Bali my magic place - best-sunsets-ever


How can't you be skeptical about a 12 hours trip on a bus in Myanmar? Well we had the most comfortable experience on a bus ever, for real. Not many seats but large, extendible, with blankets and snacks. In a moment outside the sun was rising waking us up and still dazed we catch a taxi (on't even try with Grab here, it doesn't exist) the ridden us to the archeological area. We stopped to pay the entrance to the area (about 16€/25k Kyatt for 5 days), inn beautiful Bagan, looking for magic!. We had the coldest ride ever since the windows of the van were nonexistent or broken.

After the check-in and breakfast we needed to find some cash because in Myanmar in most of the places, even in very nice hotels, they accept just cash, and the atm was the only solution but with big commissions. We found a super kind man renting electric scooters (3,5€ per day)  along the road and we finally started our adventures in Bagan. Scooters that are definitely not fast but eco friendly and in a archeological park like that it's actually a great idea.

Get lost, like in every beautiful place

The first thing to do is to download the app and the Bagan map that first of all is pretty accurate with many pagodas and temples indicated and also many nice view points. We tried to make a day plan starting from the Swezigon Pagoda and then going down but it's useless.

The best thing to do in Bagan is to wander around discovering always new sites among the more 4000 pagodas and temples. Some spots are hidden and adventorous to find, others are more touristy. Around a big pagoda there's always a sort of market with locals selling souvenirs and local products. Sometimes they are pretty insistent, but bargaining a bit you can find really good deals.

Wandering around we bumped into many amazing hidden spots, with nobody around, peaceful areas where it’s also nice to stop. There you can relax, read, meditate if you prefer. It’s possible to enter in every pagoda and temple but, like everywhere in Myanmar, you need to take the shoes off, so remember to bring disinfectant tissues to clean your feet every time.


Sunset spots

Once in beautiful Bagan looking for magic, sunset is a great moment on there are many places to check but most of them are well known and touristy. So we checked few till we find a quite one with less people, the others are almost immediately crowded and reached by busses with a lot of tourists. In our case Chinese ones because we were there during the Chinese New Year, so it was basically impossible to take nice pictures.

In beautiful Bagan, Looking for magic! Sunset and pagodas
In beautiful Bagan, Looking for magic! Sunset and pagodas

The day after we decided to check other sunset spots. We spent most of the time on the Bagan Viewing Tower because in the morning at the ticket office they reassured us about the fact that there wouldn’t have been chinese people since it was the NYE for them. Well, there were just chinese. A huge crowd of people screaming and I didn’t move all the time. It has been pretty hard to find a spot offering a good chance for pictures, personally I elbowed in a lot!

In beautiful Bagan, Looking for magic! Sunset and pagodas



You can’t go to Bagan without waking up early to enjoy the sunrise. Anyway it’s about being lucky because the lights are not aways amazing as expected. In our case in fact the sunrise was nothing special.  The sky was not colored as I hoped and it was bit foggy and misty, that could be fascinating but not spectacular. gives also spots to enjoy it, plus pagodas to climb, but it’s forbidden even if there’re locals bringing tourists to climb some hidden ones to raise a bit of money. If you find a good spot anyway you can appreciate the spectacular view of all the pagodas that creates the best background for the hot hair balloons flying over Bagan. In case someone’s interested they cost 300€ per person!

In beautiful Bagan, Looking for magic! Sunrise, pagodas and air balloons

Some tips

Both days have been long and exhausting because there are no roads among the temples. Just trails  and a lot of dust going inside your eyes, your nose, your mouth..everywhere. So remember to bring a mask and sunglasses otherwise it starts to be seriously annoying. During the day is always hot but towards the sunset the temperature starts to drop significantly so bring a light jacket with you.

As anticipated, bring a lot of cash with you to avoid high commission at the atm. Furthermore they don't accept all the credit cards, we had an hard time there! The country in general is still developing (their PIL is increasing 8% a year) but for many aspects they are not ready yet to host mass tourism properly. Not many people speak an understandable english, not even in big structures.

Life in Bagan

Bagan is definitely not a party town and it’s definitely better to enjoy the peace offered by the context, also to recover energies for the next days riding around. On the road from New Bagan to Old Bagan there are many places where to stop to eat and drink something. The first area is the one with a bit of life, some bars and restaurants, but New Bagan is perfect to have a drink or a quick dinner before to go at the hotel to rest.

I was wondering about this place a lot months before to start my trip and Bagan is a real highlight. Stunning and fascinating, became part of UNESCO World Heritage list just in 2019 because the SPDC was restoring the monuments without using the original techniques and not using proper materials. Furthermore the locals are incredibly kind and welcoming, the atmosphere is magical and there’re amazing vibes wherever you go. Once in beautiful Bagan looking for some magic you realize that you are gifted for the simple fact that you are there. You feel that you need to be respectful toward everything’s surrounding you and those feeling won’t never leave you.

It’s time to move now, and with great expectations and an uncomfortable trip we reached Mandalay.


#bagan #myanmar #asia #pagoda #temple #scooter #electric #archeology #unesco #ostellobello #hotairballoon #sunset #sunrise #dollars #streetphotography #landscape #eosr #canonphotography

I know it's been a while but life sometimes if full of glitches that give you a lot of thoughts. People let you down, work overwhelm you an so on. But now here we go again, new website, new contents, new stories, new pictures and 10 amazing Canggu spots to enjoy food !

New memories too. Bali is far but not its memories, and now that many of you are probably going to be there for the summer holidays I'll be happy to share some suggestions to enjoy the local cuisine in Canggu, probably the best place where can stay!

I tried many places, and the list is a compromise between the fancy and the super traditional ones. The important thing to remember is that all the places that I'm going to mention are all characterized by healthy, fresh and tasty food. Incredibly cheap prices, from 25k and 110k Rp. (1,60€-7€) and of course by an amazingly kind and polite staff, always ready to give you a great smile changing your day or making it way better than it was!

I love surf so my favorite daily destination was Batu Bolong Beach and on Jl. Pantai Batu Bolong you can find some of the 10 amazing Canggu spots to enjoy food. So let's start!

Crate Cafe (Lifescrate)

On the left of Jl. Pantai Batu Bolong, in Jl. Canggu Padang Linjong there's probably the most the most popular place in Canggu. Crowded from 6am to 4pm. Same price (45 or 55k Rp.) for every beautiful and incredibly tasty course from breakfast bowls, salads, breakkies, tosties, smoothies, chia bowls. Yes I said beautiful because their dishes are exactly like this, and the Crate Cafe is also the most instagrammable place in the world!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Crate Cafe - Lifescrate- Bali
all pictures by Riccardo Tosetto Ph


10 amazing Canggu spots-Crate Cafe - Lifescrate -Bali

   10 amazing Canggu spots-Crate Cafe - Chia Bowl


Super cute cafe in the beginning of Pantai Batu Bolong Street. Many different options among sweet brekkie, salads, burgers, pasta, veggie and vegetarian options as you can check on the manu directly from the website . This place is incredible also because if you are a fitness lover, here you can create your meal plan and also have nutrition consultation. Of course many healthy options speaking about smoothies and juices. Here you can't miss the Mega Chicken Salad, one the most both delicious and healthiest thing than I have ever tried. Just remember to be patient, nobody here is in a rush!

10 amazing Canggu spots-MOTION Cafe - Canggu - Bali
MOTION Cafe - Mega Chicken Bowl - Canggu - Bali

Cafe Organic

A lot of green is welcoming you here and protecting you from the traffic of this crowded road. Great place for smoothies and a really good coffee. Speaking about instagrammable places, also Cafe Organic has an amazing Instagram page! So if you are looking for a relaxing breakfast before to start your day this place is strongly recommended.

10 amazing Canggu spots-Cafe Organic -entrance
Cafe Organic -smoothie

Betelnut Cafe

One of my favorite cafe, probably my favorite in Canggu! The Betelnut Cafe offers the best choices before you morning surfing session and also the afternoon one. With a fulfilling breakfast with eggs, rice, tofu, beans and steamed vegetables and incredible smoothies after lunch. The best one is for sure the Super Smoothie with milk, banana, honey, peanut butter and almond milk,. The thickest and most delicious thing ever!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Betelnut Cafe - Breakfast
10 amazing Canggu spots-Betelnut Cafe - Smoothie

Avocado Factory

The first Bali avocado bar, if you like avocado you can't miss this small cute place on Jl.Tanah Barak. Here you can enjoy avocado in several, amazing, tasty ways. Bit more expensive compared to the other places that I mentioned but totally worth it because in every course there's a lot of work, fantasy and love! The Avocado Factory will let you think about this fruit from a totally different perspective!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Avocado Factory - Tuna bowl

Moving bit far from the main road to Batu Bolong Beach there are other nice authentic places among the 10 amazing Canggu spots where you can feel real balinese vibes:

Koin Cafe

Far from any crowd, in a small village called Tumbakbayuh, you can find the best nasi goreng of the area. Cozy and quiet place frequented mainly by locals, with crazy cheap prices and incredible kindness. Take your scooter for the ride that let you feel how real Indonesia tastes!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Koin Cafe - entrance
Koin Cafe - nasi goreng

Warung Java Banyuwangi Echo

Along Jl. Raya Canggu there's the best and most classical warung  on the road. Here you can custom you dish or your take away meal with rice or noodles or both as a base and then you can add everything, preferably fried! Shrimps, prawns, squid, soya, tofu, peanuts, potatoes, vegetables, with 1,5, maximum 2€ you can eat till you are stuffed!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Warung Java Banyuwangi Echo
Warung Java Banyuwangi Echo - inside

Deli kitchen

Yes we are in Bali and yes we are in Indonesia, but if you want a taste of Thailand you can't miss the Deli kitchen! The owner's wife is Thai and here you can try the best pad thai in Canggu. Obviously many other Thai and Indonesian courses, everything going with an incredible kindness that makes you feel home immediately!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Deli kitchen - pad thai

Born Bright

If you are coming back from Panatai Pererenan after an amazing sunset you have to stop along Jl. Pantai Pererenan to enjoy a great dinner at Born Bright. Based on gorgeous hamburgers, with fish, vegetarian and vegan options, tasty salads and other courses with fresh and organic ingredients. Perfect place also for breakfast and breaks along the day before your surf session!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Born Bright
Born Bright - food

Sizzle Wraps

Coming back from a day in Seseh Beach this place is perfect to try street food with exotic vibes, I mean not properly Indonesian! On Jl. By Pass Tanah Lot Sizzle Wraps offers an amazing Mexican option going with the freshness of the local food and obviously the smiles of the staff. As soon as you seat down the guys there offer you crazy good and tasty chips with their home made sauces that you can enjoy while they are cooking in front of of you. Super recommended!

10 amazing Canggu spots-Sizzle Wraps
Sizzle Wraps - burrito

Well obviously this one is just a small selection of 10 amazing Canggu spots to enjoy food that I liked more among the ones I had the time to try. My memories are right there with all the sunsets and the good vibes that the magic island has to offer. Writing this article I can't deny that a huge nostalgia embraced me all the time! In Bali there are obviously many more places to try, to explore and enjoy. Healthy, fresh and tasty food are among the main and best guarantees that this place has to offer all year long!

So what are you waiting for? Book your flight and enjoy!


As a photographer, the first rule that I  learnt is that professionally speaking you should never show up your pictures of sunsets. They are one of the most photographed and overrated subject ever. It means lack of originality because obviously everybody can take that picture without been creative or talented. It doesn't mean that as photographer you can't take a picture of a sunset fortunately. Anyway it's better if you keep those pictures inside your computer, as great memories of your holiday experiences because surf & sunsets help happiness.

Breaking Rules

This time I didn't resist,  it was different. This holiday has been too intense under many aspects, being there after a surf session looking to other people enjoying the waves with that light was too much. It was simply stunning how surf & sunsets help. While I was taking this picture I felt different and so much involved. I was not just taking pictures of a sunset.

Surf & Sunsets help happiness-batu-bolong-beach-surf
all pictures by Riccardo Tosetto Ph
Surf & Sunsets help happiness-batu-bolong-beach-surf

My favorite place

I was there sitting on the beach in Batu Bolong, with my camera but without someone. My mind was in two different places at the same time, being grateful for the chance that I had to surf in that paradise but missing someone important that should have been there. I fulfilled that emptiness with these pictures through those strong feelings that were overwhelming me.

Beautiful beaches

Those sunsets where amazing in any case. Like in Seseh beach, a super quiet place where there are just fishermen during the day and someone chilling in the late afternoon. Or Pererenan, an amazing beach that became pretty touristy but that preserve a particular allure. Both great for a peaceful walk, useful for meditation, to calm down, get your mind lost and free to travel somewhere else. In order to reduce distances and to find you interior peace and happiness.

Surf & Sunsets help happiness-pererenan-beach-meditation
Surf & Sunsets help happiness-pererenan-beach-meditation

So  you get tanked of all those good vibes, ready to go home, full of energy and relaxed like never before. Looking forward to go back to reality with all the positivity possible. Counting days to get rid of that emptiness, but it could also happen that shit is waiting for you, because we all know that shit happens, right? And now? Now the only thing to do is shock therapy. Sit down, download the pictures, watch them, choose them, edit them, realizing that new strong feelings are helping to achieve great results. Aware that sadness can't last forever and everything can be fixed with patience.

Surf & Sunsets help happiness-batu-bolong-beach-surf

This is the moment when you realize that after being through all this, you deserve to show your sunset pictures, to share emotions that are to strong to be stacked inside an hard drive.


Once, talking about trips, a friend told me "Bali is always a good idea". I was late deciding something about holidays in 2019, so the budget was reduced and while I was checking randomly for flights I "accidentally" found this one with a ridiculous price. After booking, my friend Margherita gave me some awesome suggestions about where to stay and here we go, so...Bali again, always a good idea! My return in Venice will be characterized by a seriously busy agenda till next November. Due to this I needed a safe, quiet and relaxing shelter, the best I know.

Yes, again

I booked in October because I knew that February would have been a bad month in Venice for my job and I didn't hesitate. Few things changed in the meanwhile and I know I am going to miss someone. I also know that the magic island will make me a person even more awesome that I'm now, can you believe that?! So I will be back regenerated.
My only aim is to rest, relax and surf a lot, to do some meditation to free my mind and to find new inspirations and be prepared to face the new season in the lagoon and everything else. Everybody can find all these things in Bali, the most spiritual place in the world. Yes, Bali again!

This doesn't mean that I won't take pictures. There are places that I didn't explored yet. I'll take it easy and I'll go with the flow, following my feelings with no pressure enjoying the good vibes (only good vibes right?) that people there always have to offer!
So if you want follow what will happen on this blog and in the meanwhile start to plan your trip to Venice and check one the Shooting Different - Venice Photo Tours !


Now it starts hurting, one of the best, probably the best one, memories of my trip to Indonesia. Canggu was the most relaxing place I found in Bali, even if it rained a lot there was a such amazing atmosphere, nice beaches, good weaves, wonderful restaurants and bars.. yes probably the only place where, social media managing influencers bloggers bullshits apart, I can say I found "only good vibes".
Indonesia 2018
Indonesia 2018
Indonesia 2018
Countdown already started, those vibes are just seven months far, in the meanwhile check the other pictures of Indonesia on the updated website and if you are in Venice come to enjoy me to sooth the pain with a Venice Photo Tour or the new Venice Tours !


Magic memories continue thinking about another incredibly spiritual place, Uluwatu, with its temple and amazing beaches.
Indonesia 2018Indonesia 2018Indonesia 2018
Check the new pictures on the website just updated!
Bali is too far for you know? What are you waiting for? Come to Venice and enjoy your favorite Venice Photo Tour or choose the best Venice Tour for you with Touring Different!


Another Paradise

From the Hanging Gardens the trip (400rp) was pretty fun. First part (my favorite) on a small van, with a funny nice driver who really liked Blink 182 and a crazy chinese/american girl from NY on his side. 1,5hr with Blink obviously, Robbie Williams, Guns and Roses, Aerosmith and other hits from the 90' for a great soundtrack.
Then after a long wait and a quick trip with a crazy fast boat we arrived in Gili Air. The smaller of three small islands, Trawangan, Meno, Air. In front of a bigger one, Lombok, to which they belong.


Peaceful January

In this period Air is really quiet, the atmosphere is nice, no cars or motor vehicles, just bikes. Just electric scooters and funny coaches pulled by small horses. Also here, like around all Indonesia, kindness seems to be the rule.


There's not much to do during the off season but along its 4km outer limit it's possible to join many bars and restaurants on the beach with amazing vibes and and sunsets.


Everyone here is more happy and chilled than the usual. I realized that is was probably because of magic mushrooms that you can find in every bar included in the happy hour package. They sell them also in cones (like fried fish in Venice) made with palm leaves. They are allowed just in Gili, anyway I preferred to not try them.


A nice food surprise

Also inside the island there's no shortage of surprises. Walking around we found this pizza place called "Classico Italiano" where I ate a delicious pizza, totally unexpected.
The owner is Andrea, a super nice lady from Venice that with her husband from Rome decided to live in Gili Air and open two restaurants. The second one is called "Perla Nera"; another amazing surprise, this time with hamburgers. I know that it's uncommon and not preferable to eat Italian food abroad, but we reached the limit with nasi goreng and rice, and most of all they were excellent!

Accommodation, yes

The plan was also to do an excursion to snorkel and swim with turtles. Unfortunately the weather have been good just the first day. It rained a lot and this offer the chance to relax more and enjoy our amazing house. One thing that surprised me a lot, in Ubud first and then in Gili Air, is the fact that Indonesia redefines the concept of Airbnb with an incredible hospitality and kindness. Apparently there're no airbnb without a swimming pool, breakfast service and room cleaning service all inclusive for a super cheap price.


So if you are coming here with a group of friends go definitely for an airbnb. If you are traveling solo there're many alternatives in several clean and nice home stays ridiculously cheap.
To conclude, Gilis are a particularly good idea from march, especially if you are looking for amazing weather, no rain and a lot of people to party with (Trawangan is the craziest one in this case). Anyway also in January it seems to be a good idea if you are looking for some extra relax.


Now back to Bali in Uluwatu and Canggu.

